

在新年前夜, 在数百万美国人敲响2020年钟声之前的某个时候, the World Health Organization learned of a mysterious pneumonia outbreak in China. While most of us were making resolutions, the world as we knew it was changing. 在接下来的几个星期里, 到3月份,隔离和冠状病毒已经成为家喻户晓的术语, 遍布全国的校园, 包括pp电子极速糖果, 我们让学生回家在网上完成学期吗.

当疫情蔓延到美国时.S., 卡pp电子极速糖果学生Angel Bautista, 然后在他大三的时候, 我明白生活的某些部分被暂停了, 但他没有意识到问题的严重性.

“作为一名学生运动员参加训练, 从训练中休息一下感觉真好, 练习和我严格的日程安排,包蒂斯塔说.

As days passed, he started to feel disconnected and the reality of remote learning sank in.

“I quickly realized how much we value social interaction and how face-to-face conversations with people, 讨论不同话题的能力, 问问题并与他人交流, 是什么让我们成为人类. 它赋予生命意义.”

鲍蒂斯塔并非个例. Student and parent surveys indicated that an overwhelming number of students not only preferred in-person classes, but seriously doubled-down on its foundational purpose and decided long before other colleges to reopen for in-person learning in fall 2020.

The challenge was there was no how-to guide for reopening a university campus amid a global health pandemic. 所以卡pp电子极速糖果开始工作了. President Tim Foster appointed Vice President John Marshall and 卡pp电子极速糖果 Physician Assistant Program Director Amy Bronson, EdD, to pivot the COVID-19 task force from its reactionary crisis response efforts to a proactive, campus-wide working group with a singular purpose: safely reopen for in-person learning. 和一组教员一起, 工作人员和当地卫生和医疗专家, 他们从头开始制定了一个计划,还有“一起安全”, “强强联合”(ST2)重返校园倡议就此诞生.

“Higher education has long served as a critical voice in responding to history’s challenges and creating opportunities for humankind’s future,ST2联合主席约翰·马歇尔说. “教育是前进的方向.”

而重新开放校园的道路并不容易, 卡pp电子极速糖果的领导层认为这是最好的选择,而且他们也没有轻易做出选择. Like many significant moments in life, the decision kept Foster up at night. He thought of students like Bautista — first-generation students aiming to change their family’s trajectory — and knew that if campus were to stay closed it would create a dangerous domino effect.

“Not providing students with the education they deserve very likely would lead to a delay or complete loss of job placement, 终身收入和整体健康,福斯特说。.

Not reopening campus could have had a disproportionately negative impact on two-thirds of 卡pp电子极速糖果’s student body who are the first in their family to attend college, 低收入和/或少数族裔. 学生们就像Bautista一样.

“My grandpa didn’t get a college education and because of that they weren’t able to have anything setup for the future,包蒂斯塔解释道, whose 74-year-old grandfather still gets up every morning and goes to work in the fruit orchards of Palisade.

“当我年轻的时候, 我在果园帮他干活,他会对我说, ' Para tener xito en su educación, 这是我最喜欢的. 必要的批准是必要的。.”

He told Bautista that he needed to continue his education; that it was his mind that would move the family forward.

幸运的是, the university wasn’t going to let COVID-19 get in the way of Bautista’s education or the other 10,000+ 卡pp电子极速糖果学生.



在秋季学期开始之前, 卡pp电子极速糖果 held four tele town halls and weekly 脸谱网 Live events updating 卡pp电子极速糖果 and the broader community. Residence Life created “family” units to slow the spread of the virus if an outbreak were to occur. 学生生活每周都会举办活动,以确保学生之间的联系, socializing and engaging in healthy activities and to curb the house party culture that is often associated with university life. Dining on campus was also revised — food apps were created to assist with to-go orders and room capacity numbers were lowered.

pp电子极速糖果, 哪一所学校的班级规模较小, hired more professors and added more classes to the curriculum so students could learn in-person while abiding by social distancing guidelines. 

“The work done by 卡pp电子极速糖果 faculty adapting academics to sustain the highest standards in the face of difficulty has been remarkable. We will look back and see this time as a moment where challenge created innovation and opportunity, 以及向下一代传授知识和技能的新途径,负责学术事务的副校长库尔特·哈斯说, 博士学位.

“Being in class right now is a blessing and the tone I’m getting from students, 特别是老年人, 我们要做的事都留在学校吗, 我们开始吧. 不管是课前洗手, 擦桌子, 保持六英尺的距离, 不惜一切代价. We also care that incoming freshmen get the best four years of their education, 这意味着要确保校园保持开放.”

Mesa County Public Health and area hospitals continue to play a large role in advising 卡pp电子极速糖果 on the latest COVID-19 research. 好几个月, ST2团队一直在测试, 症状检查, 联系跟踪和工作,以创造一个文化为基础


“在混乱和中断的时代, 我们可以选择对它感到沮丧,也可以为创新腾出空间,ST2联合主席艾米·布朗森说, EdD.


除了提供口罩, 落实保持社交距离要求, installing sanitation equipment and temperature check stations throughout campus, the task force partnered with software developers to create Scout — a symptom monitoring tool that tracks physical health and helps halt the spread of the virus early on.

可以说是最崇高的之一, innovative collaborations of them all was the task force’s plan to test every student, staff and faculty member for COVID-19 before the start of the Fall 2020 semester.

让它工作, pp电子极速糖果与科罗拉多covid - check合作, where students across the state could get tested for COVID-19 before returning to campus. 同时, 卡pp电子极速糖果 parking lots were turned into medical testing facilities with large white tents, 交通锥标, 电脑, 医疗设备和护理学生以及帮助测试的工作人员.

“Watching our nursing students work the front lines of this pandemic was a good reminder of why we’re here and why we chose to be educators in the first place. 我为我们的学生在课堂上学到的东西感到骄傲, 调整它,然后把它应用到这个前所未有的现实世界中. They saw first-hand how rewarding it is to contribute to society in a valuable, 有意义的方式,护理教育项目主任露西·格雷厄姆说, 博士学位, 英里每小时, RN.

截至10月9日,已经进行了12000多次检测. 卡pp电子极速糖果 continues to test the 卡pp电子极速糖果 community for COVID-19 with random surveillance testing.

“我们所有的学生都非常感谢能回到校园. 尤其是进入大四的时候, 它给了我希望,因为我知道我将完成我开始的事情,包蒂斯塔说. “我们对把我们带到这里的团队的感激之情是无法估量的.”

While the future of the world is unknown one thing is for sure and that’s 卡pp电子极速糖果’s dedication to serving students. 一起的保险箱, Strong Together plan enforces the belief that higher education should continue in the face of adversity.

Despite all the uncertainties ahead, 卡pp电子极速糖果 firmly believes the show must go on. 2020年已被证明是最终的考验, 但小牛队已经证明,哪里有创新, 决心和意志, 有个办法.


凯尔西·科尔曼(Kelsey Coleman)撰写