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Earn a WCCC Early Childhood Education Degree at Little or No Cost

丰富的奖学金, apprenticeship and job placement opportunities available as Colorado 2023 universal preschool implementation approaches

In response to the nationwide early 孩子hood education (ECE) teacher crisis, state and federal funding is available to grow the credentialed preschool and 孩子关心员工. WCCC is one of three colleges in Colorado currently offering apprenticeships, which include stipends, mentorship and scholarships so students can earn their credentials at little or no cost as well as work placements that allow students to earn while they learn.

There are also scholarships available for current ECE professionals to level up their credentials.  

“Now is a great time to start or continue a college degree in early 孩子hood education,” said Early Childhood Education Technical Instructor Vail Shoultz-McCole. “Education is a high-demand field with a varied 护理er lattice and there are many scholarships available to support different levels of interest. Anyone from high school students to working or retired adults with a love for interacting with young 儿童及家庭, 我们鼓励你从今天开始接受教育.” 

In 2021, House Bill 1295 with the support of Governor Jared Polis created the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) to bring greater awareness to the field of early 护理 and education. CDEC is creating a strategic plan to address the lack of 孩子护理 in Colorado and the resulting impacts on economic stability of communities across the state. 

"This agency will efficiently implement Colorado’s voter-approved universal free preschool program, 给孩子一个良好的开端,为家庭省钱,波利斯说. “科罗拉多的孩子们应该得到每一个茁壮成长的机会, and this investment will continue to ensure our state becomes an even better and more affordable place to live, 工作,组建家庭.”  

Shoultz-McCole said she was honored by her appointment to the 15 member Rules Advisory Council created to guide the CDEC executive director on how to serve the best interests of Colorado’s early 孩子hood professionals, 儿童及家庭.

一个 CDEC的使命是在2023年实现普及学前教育. 这将大大增加对新能源的需求 孩子护理 设施和教师 目前全州范围内已经出现了短缺. WCCC offers a variety programs and financial support to help those interested in this 护理er as well as credit for qualifying prior work experience. 

发展局资助学徒计划 & 津贴  

CDEC授予WCCC $438,000 Apprenticeship Grant for the 2022-2023 academic school to create partnerships with local providers that offer students paid apprenticeships, mentor-teacher support and scholarships to complete college courses. Students can apprentice with public and private early 孩子hood 护理 and education workforce partners.

High school students in concurrent enrollment programs (Technical Scholars or P-Tech) can also participate in this program. Field placement before and after school offer part-time apprenticeship opportunities and students can also earn their National Credential from the Council for Professional Recognition.  

科罗拉多州教育部也授予 WCCC a v各种不同的奖学金. 仅EDEC 101和EDEC 103奖学金就高达100万美元 为州内学生节省1182美元. The additional funding supports students seeking a Technical Certificate, 初级教师, 教师和/或D左程度. 

T.E.A.C.H. 欧洲经委会现有雇员和专家奖学金

Expanding the number of Colorado 孩子护理 facilities to serve young 孩子ren means more demand for leadership positions. Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance (ECCLA) joined forces with the national Teacher Education and Compensation Helps Early Childhood® (T.E.A.C.H.) initiative of the Child Care Services Association to offer scholarships to Colorado employees working in early 孩子hood education facilities or other organizations that serve the needs of young 孩子ren. These scholarship support those who want to further their education in the early 护理 education.  

目前有几种针对现任导演的奖学金模式, 老师, family 孩子护理 providers and other ECE facility employees who want to earn their early 孩子hood credential, 董事资格, 大专文凭, 本科或硕士学历,ECE专业. 也有“专家模型”可供教练使用, 替代品, 国内游客, 评估员, 咨询顾问, 以儿童为中心的非营利组织等等. 大多数模特每周需要20-30小时的工作时间, but exceptions are made for college students who do not work in full-day programs and for 替代品. 欲知详情,请浏览 ecclacolorado.org/teachscholarships. 

“教师在我们的经济和社区中扮演着关键角色. They provide quality 护理 and education while family members are working in the community,Shoultz-McCole说. “Teachers impact the future by supporting 孩子ren's love of learning, 社会互动和健康的身体发育, which provides kids a foundation to build a successful adult life as an active community member.” 

Participation in the apprenticeship programs can lead to long-term employment opportunities when the apprenticeships are complete. Job placement assistance is available for college students through WCCC.  

欲了解更多有关资助及申请详情,请浏览网页 WCCC幼儿教育计划.

If you are a business or organization that wants to partner with WCCC, please contact Vice President for Community College Affairs Brigitte Sundermann at 970.255.2700.


汉娜·奥德尼尔(Hannah Odneal)撰写